The Big Brother

The Big Brother is watching your every step, your every internet activity, your every purchase, and what's most important your every crime, even as prosaic as crossing the street on the red light. It used to describe only fictional dystopian worlds, but it's now starting to describe even the real ones, like Shenzhen in China. Obviously this deep state lies behind the curtain of conveniences, like centralized payment method, which you praise, as long as you don't get your absurbtly-not-serious-crime fee charged directly from it. Whoops, turns out face recognition system doesn't sleep when you're being careless.


I almost run over the jaywalker, who was carelessly crossing the highway today!


After bombing, the whole city turned into turmoil

you know the drill

Every time my ol' pa goes to the pub, he gets a drink and... you know the drill. We always find him lying wasted in our front the next morning.


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