Political Fiction (or maybe not?)

Yesterday I read a book from the genre pointed in the headline, by a polish author with a chilly sounding surname :) It was the third and last part of a trilogy, which was meant to represent a fictional polish politics, and indeed it is such, but what made me wonder is how many parallels you could draw between it, and real world. With this in mind I start to wonder, how dark, sinister, and rotten on the inside is the top level politics in Poland, not to mention the one in US for instance...  I hope I'll never in my life be forced to come anywhere near this sphere.


  1. We may not want to get involved in politics but if we just do nothing ... "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" (the origin debatable).

  2. I think that politics in Poland is much different than in, for example, US. Of course, the main problems and ideas are usually similar but the mechanisms seem not so alike. In my opinion it is all so complicated because most politicians have different reasons to choose such career path. It would be much easier if it was for instance, as some say, all about the money.


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