Hyperloop - are we in the future yet?

 Some people only care about their own business, others unlike them, really intend to make this world. a better place. Elon Musk, entrepreneur and the man behind Hyperloop project definitely belongs to this second group. Back in 2013, he presented an idea of the fifth major transportation technology, alongside with planes, trains, cars and boats. His vision was to create a form of transport which would be faster, safer, and significantly cheaper than all the other transportation methods available today, so that you could travel from LA to San Francisco in 30 minutes for about 20$. And that’s how the idea to create a web of tubes connecting all major cities of the Earth was born. The basic idea behind this concept is to make vacuum-sealed tunnel, in which the pods could glide using the magnetic levitation or air bearings to move with speed up to 1200 km/h! The system would also be 100% self sustainable, as it would be solar powered. Sounds crazy, right? But it turns out, that this transport of future isn't as impossible as it sounds. In those 5 years from the first remark of it, several companies like SpaceX, or Hyperloop One have managed to make fully functional prototypes, and in the few years to come, are planning on building some first routes. So, having this in mind, we can say the future’s already here, right?  ;)

Well, that’s it for this week. If the topic interested you, I encourage you to read up on it for example on the linked sites below. Feel free to ask some questions in the comments, I’ll be happy to answer them and widen your knowledge on the subject if you feel like this.

Or watch some videos about this


  1. Well ... sustainable yes, in the sense of using renewable energy, but imagine building a network of these giant tubes or tunnels across any continent - it would certainly have a rather depressing impact on the environment, similar to the motorways.
    And much as I believe in Elon Musk's fascination with technology and his zeal in developing unthinkable machines, he is still a businessman - he's got to earn his money too.

    1. Yes, You've got the point here, the look of those tubes around the world might be quite dreary.
      But talking of Musk, still I'd rather have more entrepreneurs like him, a little obsessed with breaching the barriers of impossible, willing to take the risk of investing in something totally new, and eager to try to make money delivering the people something that could revolutionize some branch of our life, like transportation, communication, or so, than businessmen that only care about profits, with no greater visions than their stocks price growth, wouldn't You agree?
      I think if world lacked people like him, who are crazy enough to start up something with no guarantee of success or at least cost refund, both we as humanity, and the financial market wouldn't evolve as fast as we do now.

  2. Interesting article but I don't understand why coming up with idea like this make us live in future or something. I mean, you have to implement it before you can talk about changing our world or making it better place.

  3. To be honest I am a big fan of Elon Must and his ideas. I hope the whole Hyperloop thing will go well because it will not be cheap and easy to do but it can really change the means of transport.


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